
Basic information

It works!

„I feel more safe and it doesn't bother me.“ – Marie, age 78.

Customized service

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Customized device

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How much does it cost?

From 350 Kč per month!


Available devices and their features

Surveillance assistant

Surveillance assistant Lola

For who it is suitable and in what situations

Surveillance assistant is suitable for every senior who prefer to use small and compact surveillance device. It can be used for notifying emergency situation and for voice cummunication with surveillance center.

Brief characteristics of the device

Surveillance assistant is a small light box equipped with pushable emergency button which features voice communication with surveillance center. Device can detect fall of senior a and provides precise information about location.


  • Small size
  • Loud speaker
  • Precice localization
  • Possible fall detection


  • Absence of keyboard and display

Pro oblasti Beroun, Kladno, Hořovice, Praha-Západ prosím volejte 777 336 986 (Milan Piovarči).

* Údaje označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné.

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