
Basic information

It works!

„I feel more safe and it doesn't bother me.“ – Marie, age 78.

Customized service

Choose suitable service level.

Customized device

Choose device according your needs.

How much does it cost?

From 350 Kč per month!


Choosing service and device

How to choose

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose components of assistance service.
  2. Choose suitable device according chosen components of assistance.
  3. Choose from available safety level.
  4. Check corresponding price.
  5. Contact us. We will reply you immediately.

Related information:

How much does it cost

Pro oblasti Beroun, Kladno, Hořovice, Praha-Západ prosím volejte 777 336 986 (Milan Piovarči).

* Údaje označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné.

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