
Basic information

It works!

„I feel more safe and it doesn't bother me.“ – Marie, age 78.

Customized service

Choose suitable service level.

Customized device

Choose device according your needs.

How much does it cost?

From 350 Kč per month!


How is the service perceived by senior

Service should be familiar for senior

  • Senior wears surveillance device all the time – in belt case, in pocket or on cord around his/her neck.
  • Some types of surveillance devices talk to seniors sometimes (for example advice them to put surveillance devices into charger in case of low battery).
  • Surveillance device should be in charger during the night.
  • Surveillance device works also like a mobile phone – assistance service operator can call senior.
  • Due to inappropriate usage or by mistake senior can trigger false alarm.

Pro oblasti Beroun, Kladno, Hořovice, Praha-Západ prosím volejte 777 336 986 (Milan Piovarči).

* Údaje označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné.

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