
Basic information

It works!

„I feel more safe and it doesn't bother me.“ – Marie, age 78.

Customized service

Choose suitable service level.

Customized device

Choose device according your needs.

How much does it cost?

From 350 Kč per month!


Assistance is cooperation of experienced and trained people

Many experienced people are involved in providing surveillance assistance services.

Look at how they work together:

Technological solution provider operates and develops technological solution for assistance service.

Senior is equipped with surveillance device and reports emergency situations to assistance center operator.

Contact person can find out actual position and situation of senior. He or she can be also involved in active solution of emergency situation.

Assistance center operator1 look after seniors and solves emergency situations.

Assistance center representative is an moderator between senior and assistance service provider.

User support operator provide guidance to all users on how to use surveillance device and operate system.

Assistance center administrator administers information system.

1 Assistance center services can be provided by specialized company or homecare agency.


Pro oblasti Beroun, Kladno, Hořovice, Praha-Západ prosím volejte 777 336 986 (Milan Piovarči).

* Údaje označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné.

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