
Basic information

It works!

„I feel more safe and it doesn't bother me.“ – Marie, age 78.

Customized service

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Customized device

Choose device according your needs.

How much does it cost?

From 350 Kč per month!


How is the service helping to deal with typical situations?

Typical exaples

Learn how typical situations are solved:

Social worker working outside his office is notified about client´s emergency situation

  1. Social worker is notified by SMS about senior´s emergency situation while he is on the way to his another client.
  2. Social worker try to call to the senior´s surveillance device but he is not successful.
  3. Social worker is equipped with tablet connected to the internet so he can find out last known position of the senior.
  4. Because social worker in not far from the senior´s place, he is going to check situation personally.

Assistance center operator is automatically notified about the possible fall event

  1. Operator responsible for surveillance is notified about senior´s possible fall event.
  2. Operator solve the event with the help of actual information – especially last known position, notes and conclusions of previous events, health and social status information.
    Operator can call client and find out his actual situations and needs, or he can call contact person or Integrated Rescue Service.
  3. Operator evaluate and close the event.

Pro oblasti Beroun, Kladno, Hořovice, Praha-Západ prosím volejte 777 336 986 (Milan Piovarči).

* Údaje označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné.

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